In addition to regular academic testing in each course, achievement testing is mandatory every year for all CIAS students, grades 3-12, and is optional for grades K-2. This would include, but is not limited to, the Stanford Achievement Test, Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED), California Achievement Test (CAT E – special circumstances), Terra Nova, ACT, or SAT. Results are communicated to parents through interpretive reports and consultations, where progress is discussed and recommendations may be made. Portfolios and evaluations are done for students in grades K-2.
Achievement tests are administered for several reasons and purposes:
To monitor academic progress from year to year
To diagnose any learning gaps that may occur from a curricula or educational approach/methodology
To verify test results in comparison with GPA
Testing may be required for any new students who have not been given an achievement test during the previous school year. Students who do not make appropriate progress in a two-year period may not be promoted to the next grade.
Graduating seniors completing an Academic or College Preparatory Diploma program should score into the Grade Equivalent tenth grade, near or at the fiftieth percentile, to graduate with a high school diploma. College Preparatory diploma earners will take at least one of the following: ACT or SAT.
CIAS administers the Iowa tests, the ITBS and the ITED. The ITBS is an achievement test battery, to provide a comprehensive assessment of student progress in basic skills. The ITED is a high school achievement test battery which provides a comprehensive and objective measure of students' progress in a high school curriculum. Occasionally we need to refer a student to outside testing services for diagnosis and measurement, utilizing the services of several pediatric neuropsychologists, neuropsychologists, or school or clinical psychologists in the local area. (List available on the CIAS Website)
The CIAS achievement testing is administered every spring, in April or May. Several other approved homeschooling groups and co-ops administer achievement tests as well. Contact the school office for testing information.
The CIAS CEEB (international school code) is 101-614. Use this number when registering for the SAT or ACT.
Free test prep websites for the ACT & SAT:

Grades 3-11
CIAS administers the following Riverside Publishing Iowa tests in April every year: the ITBS® and ITED®. The ITBS® is an achievement test battery, to provide a comprehensive assessment of student progress in basic skills. The ITED® is a high school achievement test battery, to provide a comprehensive and objective measure of students' progress in a high school curricula.
Out-of-Town Families:
We ask that students who do not live in the local area be tested with Bob Jones University Press Testing Services. Test proctors are required to have a four-year college degree (no specific degree) in order to administer these tests. Parents may choose the Iowa tests (ITBS & ITED) or Stanford tests. More info here:
If you do not have a four-year college degree, or cannot find someone who does to administer an achievement test to your child, you may order a Terra Nova Complete Battery test from

The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT), as well as the the Common Placement Test and the Compass Test, is the admissions exam to dual enroll or enter state, junior, or community colleges in Florida.
The PERT may be taken every 30 days, and there is a small fee for each subtest re-take.
The PERT is a untimed, computerized test. No calculators are allowed.

Graduating seniors must score in the 50th percentile and in the 5th national stanine on the Level 16/Grade 10 achievement test in order to receive their regular academic diploma to graduate. Special cases, such as students with documented learning disabilities or anxiety issues, may be exempt from this requirement after administrative consideration.

Each graduating seniors in the Academic Diploma Program or the College Preparatory Diploma Program is required to take at least one SAT and ACT before graduating from CIAS. We encourage our students to take either of these tests as many times as you need to improve your score. Remember: these tests can be taken an unlimited number of times.
ACT & SAT Payment Vouchers
CIAS receives a limited number of free payment vouchers from each of these test companies to give to needy students; validation/documentation of family income is required.
Students in grades 9-11 may take the PSAT to gain experience with the SAT testing format and reveive the invaluable feedback report for study purposes that it provides. Contact Mary Beth Jones at the school office for more details about taling the PSAT.
Taking the PLAN as a 10th grader is a great way to prepare for the ACT—and helps you get ready to succeed in college and beyond! Contact Mary Beth Jones at the school office for more details about taling the PSAT.