Meredith Brewton
Fortis Institute
Career Path: Cosmetology
Jeremy Brunner
Career Path: Electrician
Brandon Buerkle
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Pensacola State College
Career Path:
Taylor Castleberry*
Career Path:
Connor Clayton
Pensacola State College
Career Path: Barbering
Miranda Cooper
Honor Roll
Career Path: Vetinary medicine
Paige Dowling
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
St. Leo Univerity
Career Path: Business Management w/focus on International Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bethany Gilley
Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Career Path: Music
Olivia Hall*
Career Path:
Seth Hansen
2013 Valedictorian
Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College, Summa Cum Laude
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Liberty University
University of West Florida
Career Path: Ministry
Nick Lakatos
2013 Principal's Award
Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Pensacola Children's Chorus
Pensacola Little Theatre
Uncommon Covenant Dance Crew
Activate Intern
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
RAMP School of Ministry
Career Path: Art, Ministry
Claire Lawry*
2013 Salutatorian
Honor Roll
Robinson Honor Scholar (PSC)
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Alfred University
Career Path: Ceramics professor
Matthew McClammy
Honor Roll
Career Path: Fast Food, Truck driving
Leighton Nutt**
Career Path: Missionary, Ministry
Olivia Odom*
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Career Path:
Luisa Richards
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Career Path:
Dalia Sauls
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Career Path:
Emily Thurman
2013 Principal's Award
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Career Path: Marine biology
Anna Urban
Honor Roll
Career Path:
Meagan Vogtner
Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College, Summa Cum Laude
Career Path: Ministry
Jessica West
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Career Path:
Rebekka Zeller
Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled at Pensacola State College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship recipent
Florida International University
Career Path: Hospitality Management
*December 2013 mid-year grad

Class Colors: Silver, teal & Black Class Flower: Cherry Blossom Class Verse: John 14:21 "Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." Class Motto: "What lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in comparison to what lies within us." R. W. Emerson Class Songs: "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North "Sing" by My Chemical Romance