Christian Ariel Baylis
Fulfill The Call intern
Middle School Coordinator at her church
Word of Faith college scholarship
College Plans: Southeastern University for a degree in youth ministry
Future Career: youth pastor, open a non-profit
Darrin David Baker
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
College Plans:
Future Career:
Mary Willis Bertram
2012 Valedictorian
Unweighted GPA of 4.0, weighted GPA of 4.1
Magna and Summa Cum Laude Honor Roll
Dual enrolled at the University of West Florida
Dean’s List at the University of West Florida
Completed almost 200 hours of volunteer service
Adventure Ireland Cultural Exchange Program
Duke TIP program
National Honor Society
Navy League of America Scholarship
Thanks USA Foundation Scholarship
Ruth Bell Graham Creative Writing Scholarship
Top Honors Trustee Scholarship
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS)
College: Montreat College for a degree in Literature
Future career: Professional academic writer, women's ministry
Vawn Lea Broz Uptagrafft
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Softball and Volleyball
6 Youth Softball team at the Lillian Recreational Park
College Plans: Springhill College in Mobile, Alabama, for a degree in Marine Biology and Photography
Career Plans: Biology, science, photography
Brittany Allison Buerkle
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Drawing & Reading
Volunteer at the Leaning Post Ranch
College Plans:
Future Career: wife and mom
Carley Frances Cash
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Associate of Arts in Business, Magna Cum Laude, PSC Class of 2012
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Guitar in "Goodnight Saturday" band
Top Honors Presidential Scholarship
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: University of South Alabama to study Accounting
Future Career: Foresenic Accounting
Tori Rayann Davis
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Earned an Associate of Arts in General Studies, Magna Cum Laude, PSC Class of 2012
Model for the Bridal Loft and Pensacola Teen Board
Event-planning, dancing, volleyball, and cheerleading while in high school
Robinson Honor Scholar
National Honor Society
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: University of Florida in Public Relations
Future Career: Public Relations, Manager for a production company
Rachel Cherie Guillot
Prom Queen at the 2012 Pensacola Homeschool Prom
College Plans: Baptist College of Florida to major in Preschool and Early Childhood Education
Future Career: Education, teaching
De'ja Jenae Hughes
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
College Plans: University of West Florida
Future Career: Music
Rachel Lloyd Hughes
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: Ave Maria University
Future Career:
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State CollegeP
hotography, gaming, movie reviewing, argumentation, and debate
Soccer, drama club, and yearbook staff
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: Pensacola State College for an Associate of Arts in Business, then the University of West Florida
Future Career: Sales Representative
Anthony Michael Kurtz
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Classical music, playing the cello, TV camera production
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: Pensacola State College for an Associate of Arts in Photographic Technology
Future career: Photography
Victoria Elisabeth Lepinay
College Plans:
Future Career: Recording rock artist and songwriter
Gabrielle Leigh Lofland
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Reading and violin
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS)
College Plans: Pensacola State College to finish her Associate of Arts in English, then the University of West Florida to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in English
Future Career: Education, Teaching
Brandon Wesley Luallen
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Keyboard for the worship team at his church
Weight lifting, wrestling, and football
College Plans: Pensacola State College to finish an Associate degree in Pre-Law and continue his education at George Stone Police Academy
Future Career: Law enforcement
Malesha Nichole McVay
Dual enrolled at Gulf State Community College
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College plans:F
uture career:
Christiana Marie Nadolny
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
Associate of Arts in Education
Phi Theta Kapp International Honor Society
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS)
College Plans: Pensacola Christian College
Future Plans: Education
Christiana "Raila" Ruth Odom Rarie
Dual enrolled at Pensacola State College
College Plans: North Central Texas College, Phlebotomy
Future Career: teacher
Matthew Alexander Pekarek
2012 Valedictorian
Unweighted GPA of 4.0, weighted GPA of 4.3
Magna and Summa Cum Honor Roll
Dual Enrolled as Early Admssions student at the University of West Florida
Dean’s List at the University of West Florid
Completed 160 hours of volunteer service
TCA Varsity Soccer and Basketball
TCA Yearbook staff
Team America Rocketry Competition
2nd place in the Pensacola Music Teacher’s Association Piano Sonata Contest
President-elect of the Nihonsuki Japanese Club at UWF
Commended Scholar in the National Merit Scholarship Program
Top Honors Nautilus Scholarship
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program: Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS)
College Plans: University of West Florida for a degree in Computer Engineering
Future Career: Computer Engineering
Danielle Annette Quina Osborn
Bowling and fishing
College Plans: Preschool Teacher’s Certification at Pensacola State College
Future Career: Preschool teacher
Margaret "Meg" Kent Sherrill
Dual enrolled at Jefferson Davis Community College
Greater Escambia County of the Arts
College Plans: Faulkner State Community College
Future Career:

Class Colors: Black & Gold Class Motto: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Class Flower: Sunflower Class Song: "This is Your Life" by Switchfoot Class Verses: Jeremiah 29:11, NIV "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." And Hebrews 12:1-2, ESV "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."