Brandon Dale Boyd
National Honor Roll 2007
CIAS Honor Roll
Junior Varsity Football, Escambia High School, 2004
Varsity Basketball (Lettered), Easthill Christian School, 2005, 2006
Pensacola Junior College
Career: Personal Trainer, Physical Fitness
Jaimie Lynn Bradley
James Edward Deering, III
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
CIAS Honor Roll
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006
National Society of High School Scholars 2005, 2006
National Honor Roll 2007
Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Award recipient
John Earl Epping
College: Pensacola State College
College: MSU Billings
Career: Landscaping
Amy Alicia Flowers
Joel Thomas Goddard
Pensacola Junior College National Society of High School Scholars 2006
National Honor Roll 2006
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006, 2007
Presidential Classroom 2006
Toured with Jeff Deyo Band (lead electric guitar), 2005
Varsity Soccer, Junior Varsity Cross Country
Cary Lynda Hall
2008 Salutatorian
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
National Dean's List 2006
CIAS Honor Roll
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006, 2007
National Honor Roll 2007 National Society of High School Scholars 2005, 2007
Phi Theta Kappa 2007
PJC Student Speech Association
Teen Court 2005, 2006, 2007
Lead America 2007
Audience of One Dance Team 2004-2007 F
Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Award recipient
Undergrad: Rollins College
Major: English, Jewish History
Career: International ESOL teacher
Anthony Jacob Hual
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
National Society of High School Scholars 2007
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2007
Vincent Paul Hual
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
United States Marine Corps
Career: Construction
Rachel Alyson "Aly" Jeffrey Norris
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
PJC Dean's List 2006
National Society of High School Scholars 2005
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006
National Honor Roll 2007
Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Award recipient
Audience of One Dance Team
Northgate Band
College: Pensacola State College
Career: Art, Retail
Nicholas James Johnson
CIAS Honor Roll
National Honor Roll 2007
Youth Choir 2004, 2005
Ensley Volunteer Fire Dept. 2007
Angela Sun Jones
CIAS Honor Roll
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2007
Undergard: Pensacola Bible Institute
Career: Missionary
Antonio "Tony" Andre Trent Kirk
Career: Musician, Drummer
Aaron Tero McCurdy
CIAS Honor Roll
WFHESL Student Government Association Treasurer 2006, 2007
Drama Club 2007
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006, 2007
National Society of High School Scholars 2005, 2007
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
PJC Dean's List 2006
Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholars Award recipient
Teenpact 2005, 2007
4-H Awards- Volunteering, Student Part, Student Council 2006-07
Undergrad: Associate of Arts in General Studies, May 7, 2007
Undergrad: Florida Gulf Coast University, Law Studdies, 2010
Grad: Liberty University School of Law, Juris Doctorate, 2013
Career: Law, Attorney
Adam Craig Narvaez
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
National Honor Roll 2007
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2007
Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Award recipient
College: George Stone Vocational Center, Police Academy
Career: Law Enforcement- Escambia County Sheriff Deputy
Career: Construction & Remodeling, Business Owner
Gabriel Jairus "Jay" Odom
2008 Valedictorian
CIAS Honor Roll
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
PJC Dean's List 2006
PJC President's List 2006
Brain Bowl
Robinson Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa 2006
National Dean's List 2007
National Society of High School Scholars 2007
National Honor Roll 2007
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2007
Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholars Award recipient
Undergrad: University of West Florida, Mathematics and Economics
Grad: International Miracle Institute, M.A. in Theology
Grad: Baylor University, Ph.D. in Statistics
Career: Math & Science
Phoebe Naamah Ringer Crumpton
National Honor Roll 2007
Quenna Pearl Savage
Dual enrolled at Pensacola Junior College
National Society of High School Scholars 2005
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006
Shannon Marie Sopris
National Honor Roll 2007
College: Pensacola State College
Career: Teacher
Krystena Kyra "Kai" Stevens
Joshua Neil Whitehead
Heart's Ablaze Band/Taken Back 2005, 2006, 2007
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2007
National Honor Roll 2007
Career: Television, Media, Blacksmith
Elijah Forrest Wilson
Pensacola Junior College
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006, 2007
National Society of High School Scholars 2005, 2006, 2007
Florida Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Award recipient
Career: Mortgage Loan Officer

Class Colors:
Crimson Red, Cream & Black
Class Motto:
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
2007 Senior Superlatives:
Prom King: Adam Narvaez
Prom Queen: Cary Hall
Mostly Likely to Succeed: Jay Odom
Most Respected: Brandon Boyd
Most Likely to Get Lost on a Road Trip: Aly Jeffrey
Most Likely to Still be working on a College Degree in Five Years: Cary Hall
Most Likely to Sing in the Shower: Roger Vaughn
Most Likely to Get a Job Wearing a Fuzzy Animal Costume at an Amusement Park: Nathaniel Edwards