Kristen Mara Bailey
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society National Honor Roll National Society of High School Scholars FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Staff Writer '04-05/Online Editor '05-06 for PJC Corsair Pensacola Junior College Principal's Award Major- Journalism
Career: Writer, blogger, Flight Attendant Elise Anne Cook National Honor Roll FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Pensacola Junior College
Florida State University
Major- Ph.D. in Microbiology
Post-grad work: Princeton University
Career: Research, teaching
Lucas John Dove FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Kirkwood College
University of Iowa Major- Network Engineering Sarah Anne Hamilton (Fall 2005) National Honor Roll National Society for High School Scholars Phi Theta Kappa Pensacola Junior College Major- Nutrition Alpha Beta Gamma at PJC Sarah Faith Hudson National Honor Roll FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Lexington Community College Major- Shirley Marie Gilley 2005 Valedictorian National Honor Roll National Society of High School Scholars National Guild of Piano Teachers High School Diploma FL Bright Futures Academic Scholars (FAS) Award recipient Pensacola Junior College
University of West Florida Major- Early Childhood Education
Career: Middle school teacher Christopher Edward Lewis FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Major- Music, Ministry Christina Renae Lewis FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Major- Youth Pastoral
Career: Ordained Minister
Amy Ann Lingbeek
(Fall 2006)
National Honor Roll
Pensacola Junior College
FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient
Major- CNA, Medical
Karen Ann Lyon Salutatorian National Honor Roll FL Bright Futures Medallion Scholars (FMS) Award recipient Flaglar College Major- Art Education
Career: Fashion Design
Summer Jo Martin
National Honor Roll
Heather Marie Newbold
National Honor Roll
Jessica Maire Tregoning
(Fall 2005)
Jason Kyle Wiggins
Anna Elizabeth Wilson 2004 Salutatorian National Honor Roll FL Bright Futures Academic Scholars (FAS) Award recipient Clearwater Christian College Major- Science Education

Class Flower:
Stargazer Lily Class Colors: Black, Pink, & Silver Class Motto: Learn from yesterday,
Class Song:
"I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan