Explanation of Honors Student vs. Honors Credit:
Honors credit- Completion of 100% of a course, on or above grade level (for approved curriculum only)
Honors student- Completion of 2 core subject courses at or above grade level with Honors Credit - Math, English Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies/History, or Science
Honors student- Completion of 80% of work in 2 core subject courses above grade level
If a student is an Honor Student and receives a grade of D or F in a class/course, they will lose their Honor Student status for the next/following school year. Example- If a 10th grade Honors Student receives a D in a class, then they cannot be 11th grade Honor Student during the next school year
Students can still take Honors credit classes, even if they lose their Honor Student status.
Some curricula cannot be considered Honors due to lack of academic rigor and/or lower learning objectives and SOL’s.
CIAS recognizes students throughout each school year in a number of ways. Awards, distinctions, and recognitions are documented on report cards and transcripts. These recognitions vary with the activities and involvements of the students, and may include, but are not limited to, music, dance, theater and sports accomplishments, academic successes, and recognition/awards for special projects, i.e., National History Week.
A Honor Roll Award
The A/B Honor Roll Award is given to CIAS students who made all A's during a school year. Home-based School students may receive A Honor Roll recognition on their Report Cards. Campus School students may also receive A Honor Roll recognition on their Report Cards; these Campus School students will be honored with certificates at the spring annual Award Ceremony.
A/B Honor Roll Award
The A/B Honor Roll Award is given to CIAS students who made mostly A’s and B’s during a school year; only one C grade is allowed. Home-based School students may receive A/B Honor Roll recognition on their Report Cards. Campus School students may also receive A/B Honor Roll recognition on their Report Cards; these Campus School students will be honored with certificates at the spring annual Award Ceremony.
Academic Excellence Award
The Academic Excellence Award is given to CIAS Campus School students who have achieved the highest level of discipline, academic accomplishment, and model behavior of all our Campus School students during this school year. Many of these students finished their grade-level schoolwork by Spring Break and began their next grade level courses in the 4th quarter. These Campus School students will be honored with certificates and trophies at the spring annual Award Ceremony. Recipients are listed on this page:
CIAS offers awards to the graduating class of high school seniors each spring during the Graduation Commencement Ceremony:
Honors: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude Honor Roll
This award/certificate/trophy is awarded to all seniors who maintained a 3.5 (Cum Laude), 3.8 (Magna Cum Laude), or 4.0 (Summa Cum Laude) unweighted GPA throughout the four years of high school. These seniors wear a stole during their graduation ceremony.
Must make a 3.5 or higher unweighted GPA
Must take Honors and/or Dual Enrollment classes
Principal’s Award
This award/certificate/trophy is awarded to seniors who have persevered in their academics, demonstrated a servant’s spirit, served the Lord in his/her church, local community, and school (CIAS) throughout the four years of high school.
Academic Excellence Award
This award/certificate/trophy is awarded to seniors who have achieved the highest level of discipline, academic accomplishment, and model behavior of all our Campus School students throughout the four years of high school.
Christian Character Award
This award/certificate/trophy is awarded to seniors who have worked diligently on his/her academics, shown a faithful spirit in acquiring knowledge, overcome adversity, modeled a Christ-like character, and ministered the love of Jesus to his/her fellow students.
The Salutatorian is chosen based upon the following criteria:
Earned second-highest unweighted GPA of the graduating senior class
Stayed on the Summa or Magna Cum Laude Honor Roll throughout high school
Taken rigorous and challenging academic courses with assessments
Taken dual enrollment courses at a local college or university*
Taken at least one ACT and/or SAT and/or made the second-highest score*
Completed a minimum of 100 hours of Volunteer Community Service
Maintained excellent citizenship throughout high school
Willing to give a speech presentation during the spring graduation ceremony
Plans to attend a college or university following high school*
The Valedictorian is chosen based upon the following criteria:
Earned highest unweighted GPA of the graduating senior class
Stayed on the Summa or Magna Cum Laude Honor Roll throughout high school
Taken rigorous and challenging academic courses with assessments
Taken dual enrollment courses at a local college or university*
Taken at least one ACT and/or SAT and/or made the highest score*
Completed a minimum of 100 hours of Volunteer Community Service
Maintained excellent citizenship throughout high school
Willing to prepare and give a speech during the spring graduation ceremony
Plans to attend a college or university following high school*
*Optional, as applicable as a whole to each graduating class' achievements and accomplishments
All final decisions about awards, honors status, Sal, & Val are the responsibility of the CIAS Principal and Administrative Staff.
All waivers for various requirements are approved as needed and by the prerogative of the CIAS Principal and Administrative Staff.