Honor Society Membership
When looking forward to college applications and scholarships, it is wise to think about joining Honor Societies that you qualify to join. Your high school transcript lists all the Honor Societies that you have joined, and college admissions offices often notice the extra effort that you have made to maintain a high GPA and to be involved in your community. It is important to realize that everything that you are involved in during high school goes into account when admissions boards and financial aid offices are making application and scholarship decisions.
CIAS is currently pursuing opening a chapter for our students to join the National Home School Honor Society, Eta Sigma Alpha.

The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS)
Membership with NSHSS begins with recognition of academic achievement and to inspire leadership, but it doesn't end there. The lifetime benefits of membership include scholarships, leadership development programs, study abroad opportunities, events connecting members with university admissions officers, and access to internship and employment opportunities. Our resources are focused on helping our members successfully transition from high school to college, and from college into their young professional lives.

United States Achievement Academy (USAA)
The United States Achievement Academy is an exceptional organization that offers an exclusive outlet for student recognition and scholarship opportunities. Teachers play the most important role in the recognition of these students. They decide which students are deserving, and the Academy follows-up on the teachers' recommendations by offering our recognition program and membership to their students for parental approval.

Phi Theta Kappa & Robinson Honors Program
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa is recognized by the American Association of Community Colleges as the official honor society of two-year colleges. Pensacola State College sponsors three chapters of Phi Theta Kappa: Theta Chi on the Pensacola campus, Beta Beta Gamma on the Milton campus, and Beta Alpha Psi on the Warrington campus.
The Pensacola State College Honors Program awakens students to a whole new world of opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. The program offers academically gifted students a challenging core curriculum taught by some of the college's finest faculty.