CIAS is Hiring New Staff for
the 2024-25 School Year!
We are pleased to announce that we have staffed all of our open positions for the 2024-25 school year! We have filled the following positions:
Records Clerk (office staff)- full-time/40 hours HIRED
School Secretary (office staff)- part-time/24 hours HIRED
Teacher Aide (teaching staff)- part-time/16 hours HIRED
Custodian (support staff)- part-time/5-10 hours HIRED
We are pleased to announce that we have staffed all of our open positions for the 2023-24 school year! We have filled the following positions:
Secretary (office staff)- part-time, 3-4 dpw HIRED
Early Elementary Teacher (Co-Teacher for K-2nd)- full time, 5 dpw HIRED
Middle School Teacher's Aide (6-8th)- full time, 5 dpw HIRED
High School Teacher's Aide (9-12th)- full time, 5 dpw HIRED
Custodian- part-time after school, 5 DPW HIRED
We are pleased to announce that we have staffed all of our open positions for the 2022-23 school year! We have filled the following positions:
Teacher (K-2)- HIRED
Teacher (9-12th, gen/special ed)- HIRED
Teacher (9-12th, gen/special ed)- HIRED
Teacher's Aide (K-2nd), part/full time- HIRED
Teacher's Aide (3-5th), part/full time- HIRED
PE Coach (elementary/middle/high school), part-time HIRED
1. Applicant must submit a resume, detailing their experience, skill set, and references
2. CIAS administration will review the resume information to confirm the eligibility of the applicant, and based upon best-fit criteria, will make arrangements to either schedule a job interview for the applicant or will email the applicant a kind and professional “thank you for applying, but you are not a good fit for our Vision and Mission/staffing need” personalized message.
3. The job interview consists of a formal interview process, where the resume is reviewed verbally with the applicant, small talk and cordial conversation is made, and a set of pre-written questions is covered in detail, including but not limited to questions about their teaching philosophy, why they want to be hired to work at CIAS, etc. The CIAS Vision and Mission are discussed extensively during the job interview, and financial wage expectations are also discussed. The job interview typically lasts 1.5-2 hours.
4. CIAS administration will search for and explore the applicant’s social media accounts (including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
5. Upon submission of resume and completion of a job interview, the CIAS administration will pray and seek the Lord’ direction in the hiring of the applicant. They will also depend on Holy Spirit discernment and “testing the spirit” of the applicant during the interview.
6. A member of the CIAS administration will make contact with a minimum of two references (one personal and one professional) to check their ethical conduct and moral behavior, hire-ability, team player and cooperation habits, character reference, recommendations, etc. This document is recorded and filed in a folder with all other paperwork and documents until a personnel file is created.
7. If the hire is a good fit, and the CIAS Administrative staff has a general agreement consensus and a “witness of the Spirit,” the applicant will be contacted within a week (5-7 days) by email first and then by a follow-up phone call by a CIAS administration member to confirm their hire and training process
8. They then meet with the CIAS Administrative Secretary to discuss the creation of their personnel file and to collect their paperwork and documents.
9. Two emails are sent to them with the link to the FDCF Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Reporters’ Training and a link to get fingerprinted and background checked by VECHS/FDLE/FBI.
10. CIAS Administration will create the new staff member an official CIAS email address and add them to have access to appropriate Google Drive files, Google Calendars, etc.
11. Various other emails, to begin their Professional Development (PD) education journey as a CIAS staff member, will be sent to them by the CIAS Administrative staff (dyslexia module, ADHD module, Google Workplace training, etc.).
12. They will be added as a “student” in the Google Classroom “CIAS Staff Resources & Professional Development Training” class.
The general staff requirements for all school administration and staff positions are available as "Job Descriptions" in the CIAS Personnel Manual. This publication is available to all applicants after they have submitted a resume and scheduled a job interview.
CIAS maintains high qualification standards for our Campus School teachers and tutors. Our teacher work in teams, under a Lead teacher, to facilitate and individualize the education programs for the success each of our Campus School students.
Teachers (& Co-Teachers)
Teacher's Aides
Student Helpers
Reading Specialists
Teachers/Tutors/Reading Specialists: College graduate (bachelors degree or higher) with previous experience and/or demonstrated successful ability in teaching, tutoring, or facilitating learning is preferred
Teacher's Aides: High school graduate, and/or some college completed (AA or AS) and/or college degree currently in progress
Student Helpers: High School or Middle School students who are on target academically and have a natural gifting for teaching & caring for elementary-age children
Applicant must have previous experience teaching in public, private, and/or home school or demonstrate special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in subjects taught ([F.S. 1002.421(2)(h)]
Applicant must submit their fingerprints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for state and national background screening (VECHS) [F.S. 1002.421(2)(i)]
Applicant must be able to validate personal and professional background through appropriate references [F.S. 1002.421(4)(c)]
Step 1: Download and fill out an Employee Application.
Step 2: Email it, along with your professional resume and a cover letter, to nogratrjoy@christianinstitute.com
Step 3: A CIAS admin will respond and contact you to schedule a Job Interview.