Curriculum Choice Policy
To provide learning with an equitable opportunity for achievement, CIAS staff administers a learning styles inventory and diagnostic and placement testing in the following areas: mathematics, English grammar, and reading comprehension. For home-based students, review of previous achievement results may be considered. Utilizing this data and considering the scope and sequence flow, the staff works with parents to carefully select individualized, quality curriculum for all students which also addresses students’ learning styles, their cognitive abilities, and any learning considerations. This individualized approach, combined with one-on-one access to lead teachers, assistant teachers, home teachers, and/or tutors, provides an optimal opportunity for student’s successful mastery of content.
Christian schools and home educators have a wide choice of curricula available from which to choose. CIAS has utilized most curricula on the market and is familiar the strengths and weaknesses of each. Curricula that are acceptable have been chosen based on the following criteria:
Publisher’s reputation
Academic and scholastic excellence
Alignment with CIAS values and educational philosophy
This curricula would include, but is not limited to the following: A Beka, ACE/School of Tomorrow Paces, Alpha Omega Ignitia/LifePacs/Switched on Schoolhouse/Monarch, Apologia, Bob Jones, BJU’s distance learning programs (Hard drive, DVD, & Satellite), Calvert, Christian Liberty Academy Satellite School, Christian Light Education, classical curricula (Classical Conversations, Veritas Press, Memoria Press), Florida Virtual School, Konos, Mystery of History, Rod & Staff, Saxon, Sonlight, Teaching Textbooks, some online curricula and unit studies (especially on the elementary level), and others. We do not advocate "unschooling" methodology. CIAS administration reserves the right to suggest curriculum change or require tutoring lessons if an enrolled student has not made adequate progress as revealed by achievement testing.