Celebrating CIAS' 22nd Graduating Class!
The Senior Class of
Christian Institute of Arts & Sciences
announces its Commencement Exercises
On Friday evening, May 24
Two Thousand Nineteen
at six o'clock in the evening
Charity Chapel
5820 Montgomery Avenue
Pensacola, Florida
Share in our celebration!
Cake reception following
The Class of 2019
Jacob Baldridge
Lauren Bouvin
Breshon Bradford
Joel Brown
Abigail Chambers
Samuel Evans
Cecilia Hamilton
Larry Harrison
Alexis Miiller
Caleb Morrell
Raegan Redman
Ami Rodgers
Cameron Rouillard
Emily Schroeder
Miriam Tegnander
Alexis Triplet
Brandon Wood
Valedictorian: Sam Evans Salutatorian: Jacob Baldridge
Christian Character Award: Caleb Morrell
Academic Excellence Award: Alexis Miiller
Principal's Awards: Brandon Wood & Abigail Chambers
2019 Midyear Graduates
Micah Barr
Susanna Barr
Olivia Castilow
Abigail Dolihite
Kindergarten Class of 2019
Benjamin Triplet
8th Grade Class of 2019
Amalie Caputo
Talia Caputo
Sujay Davis
Forrest Dowling
Lydia Evans
Olivia Griswold
Matthew Hovind
David Sweet
Abigail Wendt
Class of 2019 Distinctives
Class Colors: Black & Gold
Class Flower: Pineapple Lily (Pineapple Flower)
Class Verse: Isaiah 6:8, KJV
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here am I; Send me.'"
Class Motto: You're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! ~Dr. Seuss
Class Song: "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzGwKwLmgM
Gold satin stoles and cords are worn for seniors who achieve A/B Honor Roll throughout high school.
If you have joined the National Society of High School Scholars, you need to order the graduation regalia from NSHSS store here: https://store.nshss.org/
Activity Cord Colors:
White/Forest Green- PJC dual enrollment
Navy Blue/Green- UWF dual enrollment
Navy Blue/Crimson Red- JDCC dual enrollment
Navy Blue/Light blue/gray - George Stone
Red/White/Blue- Civil Air Patrol
Kelly Green/White- 4-H
Brown- drama, theater, acting
Crimson red- writing, journalism, photography
Forest green- athletics, sports
Roman Gold- A/B honor roll
Orange- community service
Maroon/burgundy- home economics, cooking, family sciences
Pink- music, band, orchestra
Purple- art (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.
Royal blue- student counsel, SGA (Student Government Association)
Taupe- business, entrepreneurship, apprenticeship, on-the-job-training
White- law, criminal justice, Teen Court, TeenPact
Senior Workshops
Senior workshops are scheduled each month to connect you with vital info about your senior year, graduation, college applications, scholarships, college info, and so much more! Join us each month for the not-to-be-missed Senior Workshops:
May (parents & seniors)
April or May (TBA): Homeschool Prom
May Informal Group Photo Shoot
May 23: Graduation Set-up and Rehearsal
May 24: Graduation Commencement
Graduation Cap & Gown Do's & Don't's
What should you wear on your graduation day?
Honor Roll
What does it mean to graduate with honors? And what is Cum Laude, Magana Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude?
Cum Laude: 3.5-3.7 GPA, unweighted
Magna Cum Laude: 3.8-3.9 GPA, unweighted
Summa Cum Laude: 4.0+ GPA, unweighted