Call the school office and make an appointment for an interview consultation
The interview consultation consists of a get-to-know-you forum, a review of student academic records, a curriculum consultation, and a review of CIAS policies. No participants in an interview are required, bound, or held to enrolling in CIAS. There is a $50 fee for an interview consultation.
Fill out and submit registration forms
Registration and enrollment forms include the following: Family Information Form, Student Enrollment Form, Teacher's Agreement, Permission Slip, updated Medical forms, Emergency Contact Form, Medication Permission Form, and a copy of Social Security Card for high school students.
Homeschooled students
Mail a Letter of Termination to your local school board within 30 days of enrollment in CIAS. Also, collect and submit all medical records that are required: copy of Birth Certificate, Immunization Record and/or Certificate (blue card), and School Entry Health Exam Form.
Public and private school students
Cumulative Files from other schools will be requested by CIAS records office. These should include all Medical Records, Academic Records (Report Cards and Transcripts), Disciplinary Records, and Standardized/Achievement Testing Results.
Immunization and health exam forms
We must have a current and up-to-date Florida Certificate of Immunization (Form 680) on file for each student enrolled.
For a student who is not fully immunized and cannot receive vaccines due to medical contraindication or vaccine injury, please submit a permanent medical exemption form to the CIAS office.
If a medical examination conflicts with your religious beliefs, convictions, tenets, or practices [as per Florida Statutes Section 232.0315(1)], then a "Certificate of Exemption of School-entry Medical Examination" form should be filled out and submitted to the CIAS office.
If the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with your religious tenants or practices (as per Florida Statutes 232.032), then an "Exemption from Immunization" (Form 681) may be obtained from your local health department and submitted to the CIAS office.
Diagnostic Assessments for Potential Campus School Students
After an initial interview "meet-and-greet" is done, we will make arrangements for all potential Campus School students to begin their Diagnostic Assessments. These would include the following:
Math Diagnostic Assessment
Math Placement Assessment
Reading Diagnostic Assessment
Roe/Burns Informal Reading Inventory
English Diagnostic Assessment
Learning Styles Quiz
This assessments typically take 3-4 days to complete over a week's time (during morning hours). Student should be dropped off at CIAS by 8:30 AM with a drink and snack. CIAS provides assessment materials, pencils, and scratch paper needed for the assessments.